This next recipe is one of Cuba’s most famous dishes called
Ropa Vieja which literally translates to Old Clothes, funny name but a seriously
delicious dish. Like the flan recipe, the recipe for Ropa vieja differs from
province to province in Cuba. I’m from the province of Pinar del Rio which is
located at the western end of Cuba. Pinar,
as we call it, is well known for its beautiful natural settings and tobacco
cultivations. The most notable natural setting in Pinar is the Valley of Viñales.
With soaring pine trees and and limestone cliffs it is the perfect setting for hiking
and outdoor activities. In the valley you will also find luscious farms of
tobacco crops. Tobacco farming is the number one source for Pinar’s economy as
it produces 70% of Cuba’s tobacco crops. Along with the recipe I will also
include pictures of my last trip to Pinar del Rio, Cuba, so you can see for yourself
the beauty that is my Pinar. Enjoy!

2 ½ pounds of beef ( bottom round roast)
2 cloves of garlic
½ green pepper
1/3 cup of green olives
1 teaspoon of cumin
¾ of an onion
1 8oz can of tomato sauce
¾ cup of cooking wine
1 bay leaf
3 tablespoons of oil
1. First, start by turning your stove to high and filling ¾ of a pot with water. Place the beef in the pan pot and let it cook for about 1 to ½ hours or until the meat is tender. Once it is tender take the meat out and let it cool.
Once the meat is cool start to pull it apart to
shred it.
Mince the garlic, cut the onion in rounds, and
cut the peppers.
In a large pan heat the oil on high. When the oil
is hot, cook the garlic and onion for one minute making sure they don’t burn. Incorporate
the peppers and cook for another minute.
Add the cooking wine, tomato sauce, cumin, bay
leaf, and green olive and cook for 3 minutes.
Now add meat and mix with the sauce and cook for
an additional 5 minutes on medium heat. Make sure there is a lid on the pan so
the vapor is trapped in.
Now that the meat is done you can pour it over
white rice and enjoy!